Posts Tagged ‘culture’
Field Songs – Introduction
20 February 2013
To all fellow gardeners, farmers, singers and musicians! I’m on the hunt – or forage, if you will – for songs about plants, food, farming, labour and land. Do you have any suggestions? Last summer, some friends and I explored songs and sang as we worked in the fields of urban Vancouver, planting out and […]
2013 | field songs | Tags: agriculture, cultural growography, culture, food, labour, landComments (0)
Field Songs Suggestions Page
19 February 2013
Do you know a good song about plants, food, farming, labour and/or land? Share it here! For more information about the Field Songs project, and how else to get involved, see the Field Songs Introduction. Thanks!
2013 | field songs | Tags: agriculture, cultural growography, culture, food, labour, landComments (0)

about survival tales
1 March 2011
about survival tales Survival Tales is a performance and participation project. It was written and devised by me – Eirlys Rhiannon – with the help of some friends, and it has two core parts: The first part is a one-woman performance of spoken word and songs. I meander around some of my personal stories and […]
2011 | survival tales | Tags: APE, belief, climate change, community, culture, democracy, identity, money, oil, protest, TrapeseComments (0)

survival tales comments
1 March 2011
survival tales comments Many thanks to everyone who has participated in the Survival Tales shows to date. Your thoughts and feedback are very much welcomed – use the comments form below, or email contact (at) Singing was beautiful and powerful especially in such a close informal setting … I enjoyed [the workshop]. It was […]
2011 | reviews, survival tales | Tags: belief, climate change, community, culture, democracy, identity, money, oil, protestComments (0)

survival tales signposts
1 March 2011
survival tales signposts A booklet accompanying the Survival Tales performances will be available soon. > survival tales full contents