Posts Tagged ‘protest’

the hummingbird and the missing animals
10 May 2012
the hummingbird and the missing animals introduction A wet day. The library. Trucks rolling past the window, rattling the walls; big wheels squishing hope. The rain pouring, racing away down the sterile paving into drains – instead of leaping into the sky with the electric power of photosynthesis. The concrete city was making me feel […]
2012 | words | Tags: climate change, direct action, environmental justice, first nations, government, police, protestComments (1)

about survival tales
1 March 2011
about survival tales Survival Tales is a performance and participation project. It was written and devised by me – Eirlys Rhiannon – with the help of some friends, and it has two core parts: The first part is a one-woman performance of spoken word and songs. I meander around some of my personal stories and […]
2011 | survival tales | Tags: APE, belief, climate change, community, culture, democracy, identity, money, oil, protest, TrapeseComments (0)

survival tales comments
1 March 2011
survival tales comments Many thanks to everyone who has participated in the Survival Tales shows to date. Your thoughts and feedback are very much welcomed – use the comments form below, or email contact (at) Singing was beautiful and powerful especially in such a close informal setting … I enjoyed [the workshop]. It was […]
2011 | reviews, survival tales | Tags: belief, climate change, community, culture, democracy, identity, money, oil, protestComments (0)

survival tales signposts
1 March 2011
survival tales signposts A booklet accompanying the Survival Tales performances will be available soon. > survival tales full contents
2011 | survival tales | Tags: belief, climate change, community, culture, democracy, identity, money, oil, protestComments (0)

chasing hope
30 November 2010
chasing hope Stepped outside myself to get the lie of the land, found the lies are so familiar turned the front of my hand. Hepburn’s in the swimming pool and Nero sniffs the air – I’m both of them while tulips bloom, just rocking the chair. A last resort I wrote, I thought you’re my […]
2010 | sleep, songs | Tags: alternatives, democracy, demonstrations, despair, letters, media, protest, rage, tactics, warComments (0)

30 November 2010
fahrenheit Fahrenheit on my mind. I wish sleep would come tonight. But I’m jumping at the sound of every siren, every voice I hear seems to shout out my name, the darkness breathes with me. Fahrenheit on my mind, I can’t leave these things behind: did I have to do it did I have to […]